After The Midterms Minnesota Pivots Towards Historic Opportunities To Invest Big In Education

Anthony Carranza
3 min readJan 4, 2023
By markmags via Pixabay

After the crucial midterm elections, Minnesota has for the first time a trifecta. In other words, Democrats are in charge of all three chambers in 2023 and have outlined a robust pro-education agenda for the first six months.

This is a proud moment for the state and a time to make it paramount to remove the crisis currently plaguing schools across the state with lack of funding. It was a collective effort by educators, unions and pro-education advocates to make this impossible mission possible.

To help with this cause, I worked as a Online Truth Advocate during a three month period where I created content/videos to debunk fake news targeted at educators. Education Minnesota highlighted the following legislative priorities:

Mental and physical health means providing comprehensive support for students and teachers because of the negative impact of the pandemic.

Free meals to all students is a necessary investment for students. The COVID-19 pandemic…



Anthony Carranza

Mission Statement Education: “My purpose is to connect with learners and inspire them! Write about education and TikTok trending topics!