Banning TikTok In The U.S. ? Five Reasons Why It’s A Bad Idea

Anthony Carranza
4 min readMar 28, 2023
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Market Competition and Good Old Fashion Capitalism

The United States has and always will be a capitalistic country. However, because of the pandemic we have started to witness new approaches to policy on social issues and on private sector issues. For instance, the arrival of TikTok has challenged the status quo for existing American social media companies.

Before TikTok, it was safe to say that META (AKA Facebook) along with its other acquired apps (WhatsApp and Instagram) established a big empire. In addition, Google has done the same when it purchased YouTube and acquired more companies in other sectors, but has made gains with TikTok’s copy cat app Shorts.

With TikTok’s arrival and explosive growth it shifted the dynamics since most people these days go to TikTok to get away from the toxicity of politics.



Anthony Carranza

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