New Survey Reveals Facebook Is Performing Poorly With Tackling Misinformation

Anthony Carranza
3 min readMar 20, 2024
By Trusted Reviews

As you have heard, TikTok is undergoing a lot of attention after a bill passed the House. Now, the attention is once again centered on Facebook. A new poll by Media dot com confirmed that over 50% of U.S. adults are in favor of regulation.

It seems the public is unanimously in favor of stricter laws regulating social media companies. In addition, misinformation is becoming very problematic to separate what is false vs. fact, what is a fact vs an opinion, ect.

When it comes to misinformation, Meta (AKA Facebook) is no stranger and always the usual suspect given its massive reach around the globe (WhatsApp and Instagram). Within the study, Facebook was tagged as the company performing the worse at stopping fake news. Next to follow on the list, Twitter and TikTok are tied in second with 44% of participants holding them responsible for the lack of effort to curb false news.

Generative AI via Craiyon.

“Misinformation and fake profiles are eating away at trust and confidence which is critical to a functional society” said James Mawhinney, the CEO and Founder of the network. “ These survey results show there is a very…



Anthony Carranza

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