Summary Of Zoom Meeting With Paul Hutchinson Regarding His New Book “The Sound Of Freedom”

Anthony Carranza
3 min readJun 27, 2024
Screenshot of book “The Sound Of Freedom.”

Quick recap

Anthony and Paul discussed Paul’s experiences in undercover rescue missions against child trafficking, his upcoming book, and his plans for healing retreats using plant medicine. They also explored the impact of the movie “Sound of Freedom” on the issue of child trafficking and the role of influencers in creating change. Lastly, they discussed the need for a holistic approach to combat trafficking, Paul’s work with the Child Liberation Foundation, and his upcoming project, Liberating Humanity.

Next steps

Anthony will review the book “Sound Freedom” and prepare a Q&A for Paul.

Anthony will share the Q&A and the link to the book with his followers on Medium, TikTok, and Instagram.

Paul and Anthony will connect in person in Medellin, Colombia, to discuss the next steps and collaborate on future projects.


Paul’s Background and Child…



Anthony Carranza

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